Ultimate - Frisbee News

If X falls within range of numbers, return corresponding cell from range?

Ultimate Reddit - Thu, 05/02/2024 - 01:07

Morning everyone,

I have a QC spreadhseet that uses lot sizes to determine the levels of check required.


What I want to do is have a cell where I can enter the lot size and then an adjacent cell would return the inspection level code.

So let's say the lot has 5 products in it and I want to ise inspection level III, i would ent er'5' and the adjacent cell would return 'B' from the array.

I've been able to pull individual results using an IF(AND( combination to determine the range between the lot sizes in columns A and B.

However, how could I incorporate something like INDEX MATCH to say 'check cell for lot size within a range between columns A and B AND use this inspection level from another cell to return the letter code for the sample size from the array'?

Something that would ultimately look like the table below:

|| || |Lot Size|Inspection Level|Sample Size Code| |5|III|B|


submitted by /u/princeinthenorth to r/excel
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What do I do?

Ultimate Reddit - Thu, 05/02/2024 - 01:07

I've been happy for quite awhile taking medication but I'm starting to wear. It's not cutting it anymore. I've been disabled since 14, 19 now and I've lost everything. My family, friends, job, optimism, ability to walk, it's hard to even get out of my house.

Sure, I've had friends but I either lost them due to an episode of manic depression or anxiety. That or they treated me terribly and I had enough. I've always been a do it on my own strong type. For awhile I felt like nothing could break me, I had everything and discovered talents I never knew I had on medication.

I've unfortunately met alot of toxic people and good friends that eventually hurt me. My cousin only wants to hang if I pay his way. My father always hates when I need medical help. My aunt is more worried about grandkids. My family never came to help when I needed them. My friend ignored me entirely for weeks after getting a gf.

My heart is developing cardiomyopathy from muscular dystrophy. I've tried dating but ultimately didn't feel that dating was fun and felt more depressed. I'm not sure if I'll ever meet more people or even develop a friend group again. I have contacted my SSA about college and am waiting to hear about that. Many people are depressed but I don't get out unless with my father and feel like a caged animal with no social life.

I don't even do good with my family cause I know bad when I see it so everyone decides to ostracize me because of it. My mother not father's family ever steps in to give a shit I often wonder who would have me when they get too old.

submitted by /u/Pretty-Courage4363 to r/depression
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Incels flood dating site forums [duh]

Ultimate Reddit - Thu, 05/02/2024 - 01:04

I should have expected this response because one of the rules is to not call people incels. Lmao

I made a post on [redacted] with the rant tag, describing my experience with a fwb being so bad at kissing I had to stop seeing him. I think about this all the time so I wanted to say it somewhere.

The post was just me explaining his kissing technique and how utterly unbelievably terrible it was. He was sucking my lips and tongue into his mouth and not letting go. My tooth may have chipped if I didn't choose to move on asap. The whole post was me creating abstract descriptions of how terrible this experience was; to try and be funny.

I got about half n half women and men commenting and the women were just like "haha, wow that sucks". But I immediately got men commenting telling me I'm petty/shallow and that it's my fault because I didn't communicate with him. The thing is, I never explained what happened, just described his kissing technique. They assumed I said nothing.

~ Side rant: I feel like the only reason they see disliking his kissing as shallow is because many men dont need it to become aroused. But most women need at least that. I truly think they only thought this way bc they dont see how something unimportant to a man's pleasure is at all relevant in a situation like this ~

But ALSO.. Even if I didn't communicate, trying to cannibalism someones fucking face is still unbelievably strange and downright hilarious. Think of the worst way someone could kiss and it was exactly that. Its as if he calculated every wrong move to make at exactly every wrong time. I think that's worthy of a post. (Its not like I doxxed him lol)

I tried telling them that its just a rant so I know its petty, and that I did in fact push away and grunt a few times but ultimately he wouldn't let go (i have realized now this is probably a red flag lmao) I also said "gentler" and "slower" during the breaths he allowed me to take.

But every time I explained how I did indeed communicate, a dude would jump in and essentially say "yeah but you didn't do xyz so what do expect?" and "you shouldve said that in the post". Essentially dudes saying that bc I didn't have a sit down conversation with him afterwards that I dont have the right to complain. IMO, it's not my responsibility to tutor a grown man on how to slow down after being told to slow down. And tbh I think I dodged a bullet by not wasting my time with that.

Also in my defense, I dont think that describing a bad kisser should require me to give a full background. It was meant to be a lighthearted failed-hookup story. I'm sorry if the post tagged with "rant" is too mean for you.

A lot of these replies came across as incels who immediately assume women are shallow. I made it clear this was fwb but ppl still called me shallow. Im sorry but that just translates to me like they expect women to settle even for exchange based relationships? Like no, Im not going to settle sexually for someone I'm only interacting with for sex. Are you mad??

Its just mind boggling to me. This site makes me feel crazy sometimes but as time goes on I've found subs that are safe places for me to post. [redacted], and by association [redacted] are going on my blacklist.

submitted by /u/redditischeaptherapy to r/rant
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You gotta have icy blood to play this game.

Ultimate Reddit - Thu, 05/02/2024 - 01:02

I'm a long time player of the classic Viva Pinata. Yesterday I sat down in front of our Xbox for an unhealthy amount of hours grinding away at this game for the millionth time in my life, still unable to bring myself to play TiP.

I was becoming increasingly frustrated with the Pinata's rebellion to do a simple task after directing them to it ten times and I dared let out a small sigh. This is when my boyfriend chimed in.

"I think it's so cute that you get frustrated over such an adorable little game."

I liked being called cute, sure, but little did this man know that I had blood on my hands since I was six years old. The exterior vibrance and sweet atmosphere this game exudes does nothing but mask the darkness that consumes it's players, much like the masks worn by the characters themselves.

I find myself not relaxing with a cute garden game and taking care of Pinata, but making an empire of a cold and calculated profit cycle. I don't care about these creatures, because each one is merely a stepping stone to a higher valued prize. Even the ones I do favor eventually get sold off when I need to make room for bigger prospects.

I feel nothing when bashing open my sick Pinata in front of their families because I couldn't be bothered to spend 200 coins on a doctor call, instead opting to sell the life candy inside. When I hear the sound of sour candy being dropped on my lawn, it sounds an alarm off inside of my brain, a calling to lift my dented spade and protect my profits from damage. Over and over, until I have the means to turn that sour Pinata into something valuable to me.

I collected a Roario yesterday.

I started a separate garden on the side and gained two master romancer awards- Zumbug and Doenut. Save for some Tafflys and Whirlms that intruded on my garden, only to be sold off immediately as soon as they dared assume they had found a safe residence, these were the only Pinata I had on this garden.

I meticulously bred these two species, knowing full well that their children would only serve as food for something bigger. Watching the Roario mercilessly destroy these families filled me with not sadness, not shame, but glee. Glee knowing that I was about to score a higher value creature for my collection.

When that Roario was finally a resident I now had a new goal. To breed him, of course! Unfortunately, to breed a Roario they need to feast upon a Pinata of at least 4500 coins.

Now, I could have purchased a Chewnicorn, but that would have costed too much money for my liking. So instead I looked around my garden at what was left of those broken families and I noticed that Zumbug were pretty valuable, and the breeder I had was almost pushing that value mark.

So I took him to Paper Pets. Got him all sorts of cute accessories. He was so happy he was chirping and jumping with joy, his happiness meter bursting at the brim...

And then I beat the life out of him. With each hit he made a pathetic sound and I watched as that happiness meter dropped, until there was nothing but a pile of candy on the floor. As his remains floated over to the edge of my garden and reconstructed into that black and white shell there were tears streaming down his face. Tears of betrayal.

Now it takes two Roarios to breed, so I did this twice, to two different Zumbugs. Just because buying accessories would be cheaper than buying another Pinata.

I can't wait to sell off the children of those Roarios.

So no, this game is not cute. This game makes men into monsters. There's no room for a weak heart or a quivering hand when you play this wretched game. You have to be willing to do what needs to be done, and be pleased about it as every Pinata's death brings you a new fancy title. You need to be able to hold on to that shovel with an iron grip and do your part in the Donut of Life.

This is what it takes to become an Ultimate Gardener.

submitted by /u/goblinkun to r/VivaPinata
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How should universities respond to on campus protests over the war in Gaza?

Ultimate - Frisbee on Google - Thu, 05/02/2024 - 00:10
Ultimate Frisbee - 2 Days. Freedom Park. 1:30AM. More Events · Powered by Evvnt.

Is it appropriate to block my best friend?

Ultimate Reddit - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 22:08

Is it appropriate to block my best friend?

So some context, I, now 21 female, have known this girl, also presently 21, since 12th grade of high school. This girl had been my only honest friend and genuinely made me feel like I belonged. I was not used a pawn against anyone nor was I taken advantage of like my previous friendships.

I lived in a very southern small town, so my options were limited as I was very much into the emo scene and bi. Was I angsty, absolutely. But it’s still important to have people in your life that support the best out of you. But given the demographic of my school, I was very much alone most of my lunches while dealing with depression so young and problems at home. But occasionally I would attract people that checked most of the shared problems off (prime for trauma bonding), but were only looked for a vent buddy than an actual friend, which lead to a lot of betrayal and disappointment as you would imagine.

But finally, after all the heart ache, I met my two best friends. They were the first people in my life who didn’t bond solely off shared trauma. They inspired me and taught me how to not be ashamed of myself. I got into spirituality and wanted more than ever to improve my mental health. I was inspired to work hard on myself.

Looking back, they were not always that great. They were sometimes narcissistic themselves.

But no one is perfect, I know. They were the best I’d ever known and I didn’t wanna loose that.

Well, after graduation we started going our own things. I moved for college, one of my friends, let’s call her “Jess” (21 female present time) got pregnant, and my other friend “Frankie” (18 present time) still had one more year of high school. Everything was still great though, even though we didn’t see each other much at all, we still kept in touch and made plans to see each other.

Well, Frankie was involved in a horrible accident that left her with a pretty bad brain injury. This shook all of us pretty badly. But we sorta became united and promised to cherish each other more. We tried to find reason and significance, and ultimately tallied the disaster up to a lesson in appreciating those close to you more.

Unfortunately for Frankie, her brain injury turned her into a stranger. She no longer had the heart she did that made everyone fall in love with her. We tried to be there for her, but she just no longer cared about anyone in her life, and often started arguments and talked to us like we were horrible.. it was to much. Jess was having a baby and I was going to school. Trying to love a stranger who had no loyalty or love for us forced us both the cut her off and block her.

But, we promised to each other even more that we will appreciate the friendship we still have.

Well, Jess started pulling away more and more after she had her child. I supported and understood and gave her her space and distance, while frequently reminding her that I still loved her and would visit anytime she was willing.

Well life had different plans, her boyfriend cheated on her and got full custody of her child. She still did her best with loosing everything, but eventually got herself up and a better job as well as getting custody of her child again.

I still reached out and told her every week for months that she was amazing and an awesome person/mother. I offered to do groceries with her, clean, bring gifts, anything I could I did. But she withdrew more and more.

Well, fast forward to the present, I stopped reaching out as she stopped answering my calls and texts. I let her come to me when she was ready as I felt I was smothering her.

A few more months pass, and I still see her posting on Facebook about her new house, her new friends and her new boyfriend. I was happy for her.

But, when I needed her most she fell through. My dad got into a shitty accident with a drunk police officer. It was a really hard period as I will still getting over the trauma with my best friend Frankie. I didn’t want to see it happen to my father. She never reached out though. Even my ex friend Frankie donated to his go fund me.

Obviously this made me upset, so I unfollowed her on my socials. She freaked out a day later apologizing for being a shitty friend, and offered to face time with me. It was very stiff and quiet. Often being moments where she would start doing chores while I was venting and going silent. I ended the call promptly after all this, but apologized still because I felt like I over reacted.

Well, no calls or texts asking anyone or me how we’re holding up or offering support. Two weeks later she calls me after I get off from school to ask if she can use my license to rent a U-Haul… Obviously I was puzzled by this, and after an awkward conversation about why she couldn’t use her boyfriends, she dodged the whole thing completely and just kept saying that she forgot hers at home and they would be careful. I asked if they would use my credit, she said no, a lie obviously.

So I just said no without much reason other than I’m not comfortable with that. Surley she knew my feelings were hurt, so in an attempt to seem genuine, she asked how everything was with my dad and if he would be able to walk again, than sent me pictures of her kid and her and how great she was doing.

Being hurt by this, I ignored her, and two months later, she says she’s sorry out of the blue. I took a few days to sit on this cause I did not want to respond with my feelings.. So I respond later asking why, to which she said for being a shitty friend. I try to be passive and tell her she’s not a shitty friend, but I didn’t appreciate being kept from the truth and being used for convenience. She again dodged the principle, and said it was really because she forgot her license and they wouldn’t run my credit. I knew this was a lie but I wasn’t gonna fight her on it, so I ask again why they couldn’t use her boyfriends. I also mentioned that I’m not gonna judge her and I didn’t care about the specifics, more so the principle. To which she opens but never responds.

Sometimes I go on her Facebook to make sure she’s okay, but this time I was heartbroken by what I saw. She has a group of “mommy friends” she’s always spending time and going out to drinks with. I’m happy she has people that understand her, don’t get me wrong. But after everything we’ve been through together, after all this time begging to see her for over a year, she’s been going out of town on trips to the city I’m currently living in and lying about never having time.

It hurts being blown off. My boyfriend seems to think she resents me for being able to go to college, having a healthy relationship with my boyfriend for five years, and having a car that’s paid off. But I was happy for her when she had more than me. It hurts and it doesn’t feel fair after all I’ve done to be there for her. I showed up for everything. Her child’s birth, Frankie’s accident, helping her move into her first home, all of it.

I want her out of my life, it’s to painful. I’m just looking for vindication I guess, or a reason to keep my head up.

TL;DR SUMMARY: I don’t know if the situation given is valid enough to block and remove my best friend from my life. She has never been present when I need her most.

submitted by /u/Aquatyrant10 to r/AdviceForTeens
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Getting charged for a doctors appointment I didn’t want or need

Ultimate Reddit - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 22:08

I was taken in to the ER a couple weeks ago for some issues, had a bunch of tests done and in the end was ultimately fine. They gave me a letter to give to my doctor if I wanted to follow up further, but I didn’t need to. Well I kept getting messages for ‘non urgent test results recall’ so I called the doctors, explained the situation that I didn’t really feel I needed an appointment since I already had all the results when I was at the hospital. They tell me that the doctor wants to discuss it with me so fine, I’ll make the appointment.

Well, I just had it and all he did was read out the same letter I was already given, referred me for a test I already had that the hospital had said I really only need if I have further issues (I haven’t) or I’m just concerned.

That’s it. Just a mildly infuriating waste of time and money to be told something I already knew

submitted by /u/Sajiri to r/mildlyinfuriating
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Is ti appropriate to block my best friend?

Ultimate Reddit - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 22:07

Is it appropriate to block my best friend?

So some context, I, now 21 female, have known this girl, also presently 21, since 12th grade of high school. This girl had been my only honest friend and genuinely made me feel like I belonged. I was not used a pawn against anyone nor was I taken advantage of like my previous friendships.

I lived in a very southern small town, so my options were limited as I was very much into the emo scene and bi. Was I angsty, absolutely. But it’s still important to have people in your life that support the best out of you. But given the demographic of my school, I was very much alone most of my lunches while dealing with depression so young and problems at home. But occasionally I would attract people that checked most of the shared problems off (prime for trauma bonding), but were only looked for a vent buddy than an actual friend, which lead to a lot of betrayal and disappointment as you would imagine.

But finally, after all the heart ache, I met my two best friends. They were the first people in my life who didn’t bond solely off shared trauma. They inspired me and taught me how to not be ashamed of myself. I got into spirituality and wanted more than ever to improve my mental health. I was inspired to work hard on myself.

Looking back, they were not always that great. They were sometimes narcissistic themselves.

But no one is perfect, I know. They were the best I’d ever known and I didn’t wanna loose that.

Well, after graduation we started going our own things. I moved for college, one of my friends, let’s call her “Jess” (21 female present time) got pregnant, and my other friend “Frankie” (18 present time) still had one more year of high school. Everything was still great though, even though we didn’t see each other much at all, we still kept in touch and made plans to see each other.

Well, Frankie was involved in a horrible accident that left her with a pretty bad brain injury. This shook all of us pretty badly. But we sorta became united and promised to cherish each other more. We tried to find reason and significance, and ultimately tallied the disaster up to a lesson in appreciating those close to you more.

Unfortunately for Frankie, her brain injury turned her into a stranger. She no longer had the heart she did that made everyone fall in love with her. We tried to be there for her, but she just no longer cared about anyone in her life, and often started arguments and talked to us like we were horrible.. it was to much. Jess was having a baby and I was going to school. Trying to love a stranger who had no loyalty or love for us forced us both the cut her off and block her.

But, we promised to each other even more that we will appreciate the friendship we still have.

Well, Jess started pulling away more and more after she had her child. I supported and understood and gave her her space and distance, while frequently reminding her that I still loved her and would visit anytime she was willing.

Well life had different plans, her boyfriend cheated on her and got full custody of her child. She still did her best with loosing everything, but eventually got herself up and a better job as well as getting custody of her child again.

I still reached out and told her every week for months that she was amazing and an awesome person/mother. I offered to do groceries with her, clean, bring gifts, anything I could I did. But she withdrew more and more.

Well, fast forward to the present, I stopped reaching out as she stopped answering my calls and texts. I let her come to me when she was ready as I felt I was smothering her.

A few more months pass, and I still see her posting on Facebook about her new house, her new friends and her new boyfriend. I was happy for her.

But, when I needed her most she fell through. My dad got into a shitty accident with a drunk police officer. It was a really hard period as I will still getting over the trauma with my best friend Frankie. I didn’t want to see it happen to my father. She never reached out though. Even my ex friend Frankie donated to his go fund me.

Obviously this made me upset, so I unfollowed her on my socials. She freaked out a day later apologizing for being a shitty friend, and offered to face time with me. It was very stiff and quiet. Often being moments where she would start doing chores while I was venting and going silent. I ended the call promptly after all this, but apologized still because I felt like I over reacted.

Well, no calls or texts asking anyone or me how we’re holding up or offering support. Two weeks later she calls me after I get off from school to ask if she can use my license to rent a U-Haul… Obviously I was puzzled by this, and after an awkward conversation about why she couldn’t use her boyfriends, she dodged the whole thing completely and just kept saying that she forgot hers at home and they would be careful. I asked if they would use my credit, she said no, a lie obviously.

So I just said no without much reason other than I’m not comfortable with that. Surley she knew my feelings were hurt, so in an attempt to seem genuine, she asked how everything was with my dad and if he would be able to walk again, than sent me pictures of her kid and her and how great she was doing.

Being hurt by this, I ignored her, and two months later, she says she’s sorry out of the blue. I took a few days to sit on this cause I did not want to respond with my feelings.. So I respond later asking why, to which she said for being a shitty friend. I try to be passive and tell her she’s not a shitty friend, but I didn’t appreciate being kept from the truth and being used for convenience. She again dodged the principle, and said it was really because she forgot her license and they wouldn’t run my credit. I knew this was a lie but I wasn’t gonna fight her on it, so I ask again why they couldn’t use her boyfriends. I also mentioned that I’m not gonna judge her and I didn’t care about the specifics, more so the principle. To which she opens but never responds.

Sometimes I go on her Facebook to make sure she’s okay, but this time I was heartbroken by what I saw. She has a group of “mommy friends” she’s always spending time and going out to drinks with. I’m happy she has people that understand her, don’t get me wrong. But after everything we’ve been through together, after all this time begging to see her for over a year, she’s been going out of town on trips to the city I’m currently living in and lying about never having time.

It hurts being blown off. My boyfriend seems to think she resents me for being able to go to college, having a healthy relationship with my boyfriend for five years, and having a car that’s paid off. But I was happy for her when she had more than me. It hurts and it doesn’t feel fair after all I’ve done to be there for her. I showed up for everything. Her child’s birth, Frankie’s accident, helping her move into her first home, all of it.

I want her out of my life, it’s to painful. I’m just looking for vindication I guess, or a reason to keep my head up.

TL;DR SUMMARY: I don’t know if the situation given is valid enough to block and remove my best friend from my life. She has never been present when I need her most.

submitted by /u/Aquatyrant10 to r/Advice
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What would you pay? Canyon Exceed CF 5 customized.

Ultimate Reddit - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 22:07

Canyon Exceed CF 5 bought last summer. - Deore drive train - SLX Brakes - RockShox SID SL Ultimate 100mm Fork - Fox Transfer SL 100mm Dropper - Canyon CP0008 Carbon Cockpit (cut to 660mm) - Ergon saddle and grips

submitted by /u/AlexanderHorl to r/mountainbiking
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Any Smash Bros songs for a Homestuck themed playlist?

Ultimate Reddit - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 22:07

I'm looking for songs in the Super Smash Bros Ultimate soundtrack that sound like Homestuck songs or have Homestuck vibes? So far, I can think of Megalovania (for obvious reasons).

submitted by /u/YoyleAeris to r/homestuck
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r/helpmefind wasnt much use. Troy Tulowitzki jersy

Ultimate Reddit - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 22:06

i have been a huge tulo fan since i was a kid, i got to go to the ccomfort dental starting lineup and meet the guy. i watched him pull the rockies to greatness and ive seen the downfall of what was ultimately a spectacular, but overshadowed career due to injuries and management, i have always wanted something to show im more than just a rockies fan with a tulo jersy, but a tulo fan specifically and i think ive found it. im trying to find a #14 rookie jersy, he wore it for his first career hit and ive never seen one at a game or anything else. i would love to one day meet him again and have him sign it but i need to find one first, any help is greatly appreciated. thanks :)


submitted by /u/Tasty_Context9693 to r/ColoradoRockies
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Do you guys have any Ultimate custom night tips?

Ultimate Reddit - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 22:06

Any tip is acceptable, strategies or even a way of each animatronic act.

submitted by /u/itsmeumishi to r/fivenightsatfreddys
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[USA-MI] [H] xbox 360 elite console with games and controller [w] 100 shipped for everything

Ultimate Reddit - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 22:05

I have for sale a elite xbox 360 console comes with prey diablo 3 ultimate evil edition fight night round 4 top sin 2 the outfit ncaa football 12 ncaa football 09 fight night round 2 lost planet 2 unreal championship ufc command and conquretriberium wars the saboteur and erogon all games work and are in playable condition console has some dirt but is fully functional im asking 100 shipped for all within the usa

Proof https://imgur.com/b4c1yYl

Console https://imgur.com/NeluVuL

submitted by /u/tombinjiya to r/GameSale
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Is this Affiliate Marketing platform is Real or Fake?

Ultimate Reddit - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 22:04

Affiliate marketing has become a popular way to earn money online in India. But with so many platforms available, is LeadsArk the key to unlocking success? Let's delve into what it offers and see if it fits the bill for Indian affiliates.

What is LeadsArk?

LeadsArk is an affiliate marketing platform that connects publishers (affiliates) with advertisers (merchants). Affiliates promote the advertiser's products or services, and earn a commission for each sale or conversion they generate. LeadsArk provides a marketplace where affiliates can find a variety of products to promote, and offers tracking tools to monitor their performance.

Read article: LeadsArk is Real or Fake.

It can be a helpful platform for Indian affiliates, but it's not a magic bullet. Success depends on a combination of factors, including platform features, content quality, marketing strategies, and trust-building with your audience.

If you're considering LeadsArk, research the platform thoroughly. Explore product selection, payment options, and available support. Remember, your success ultimately depends on your dedication to creating valuable content, building trust, and mastering marketing techniques.

submitted by /u/chrishd3721 to r/Tech_By_PV
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FCA Deposit Insurance

Ultimate Reddit - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 19:15

Hi all,

Straight in to it

I’m coming in to approx $1.6M from my late fathers estate in about ~20 days.

I will be investing the vast majority (bar ~$100ish K) in to growth focused index funds as I’m young (30) DINK and don’t need a second income stream in the form of dividends as of yet.

I planned on realising an opportunity to take a breath and smell the proverbial roses, by taking a couple of months unpaid time off of work and funding that by sticking the capital in a BOQ Simple Saver earning 4.85%, before ultimately returning to work after a few months, pulling the capital out of that saver and investing in my chosen ETF’s for the long term.

I understand under the FCA that deposits are insured to $250,000. Alarm bells for me as I planned on putting the entire sum in one account. My question is, is this really an issue? I don’t have a living memory of a bank failing in Australia, and I don’t really see any on the horizon? The funds will be with BOQ, so a normal, brick and mortar bank, not a neo or anything like that. And only for a few months while I live on the interest… I really don’t want to open 6+ savers across different banks and have to go through all of their individual hoops to earn interest… that’s an administrative nightmare.

Should I be taking this $250,000 per account thing seriously given the timeline?

submitted by /u/Confident_pillowcase to r/fiaustralia
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Warriors Nolan earns BCHL top defenseman - AM 1150

Ultimate - Frisbee on Google - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 18:36
An ultimate frisbee competitor stretches out to catch the disk. Kelowna hosting major ultimate frisbee tournament. Published at: -28 min ago · ONLINE ...

Kelowna hosting major <b>ultimate frisbee</b> tournament - AM 1150

Ultimate - Frisbee on Google - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 18:31
Often referred to as Ultimate Frisbee, this exhilarating sport combines lightning-fast speed, precise skill, and seamless teamwork. Players race to ...

Chicago weekend gets a little rain - YouTube

Ultimate - Frisbee on Google - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 16:53
CBS Chicago New 153 views · 3:23 · Go to channel · Chicago Union to open 2024 Ultimate Frisbee season on May 11. CBS Chicago New 54 views · 3:53.

Better Box Score Metrics: New Year, New Headliners [UFA Week 1, 2024] - Ultiworld

Ultimate - Frisbee on Google - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 14:37
Paul Würtztack is an Ultiworld analyst. TAGGED: Ultimate Frisbee Association (UFA), Ben Lewis, Brett Hulsmeyer, David Barram, EDGE, Jake Floyd ...